Monthly Archives: January 2013

Tanggapan atas Ebrahim Moosa tentang Pertemuan Fiqh dengan Sains

ibrahim moosaDalam essay yang berjudul (terjemahan) “Perjumpaan Sains dengan Yurisprudensi: Pelbagai Pandangan tentang Tubuh dalam Etika Islam Modern”, Ebrahim Moosa menyoroti relasi antara fiqh (hukum Islam) dan sains modern dengan mengambil kasus congkok organ dan definisi kematian. Banyak hal menarik dari tulisan tersebut, namun kali ini saya hanya akan menanggapi satu hal saja, yaitu tentang pertemuan sains dan fiqh. Read the rest of this entry

A Note on Guessoum’s Islam and Evolution

GuessoumQuantumIs theory of human and biological evolution not compatible with Islamic teachings? Guessoum answers, “No.”  This answer would be shocking for some muslims who have been influenced by anti-evolution movements as represented by that of Harun Yahya since about two decades ago. However, as Guessoum has shown in his book “Islam’s Quantum Question” (2011), the process of evolution (though not precisely in the same meaning as that of modern scientific one) of human and other living bodies in nature had actually been being maintained by many muslim scholars (notably sufis and philosophers) for a long time (p. 305-314). Anyhow, let’s once again raise the task in question: is it really true that the modern conception of human evolution compatible with Islamic teachings? I shall take a part to answer that question with a brief consideration to some ideas developed by Guessoum. Read the rest of this entry